NASH Nine: How to Have an Epic Camping Trip

Tennessee is full of state parks that allow camping. With that being said, a lot of people enjoy going camping when the weather is nice. Here are nine simple tips to have the best camping trip possible!

#1: Bring a tent
Obviously, you will need somewhere to sleep, and you are not actually roughing it if you don’t sleep in a tent.

#2: Air mattress (don’t forget the pump!)
Since we are roughing it and sleeping in a tent, just a sleeping bag won’t cut it. Bring an air mattress or you can forget enjoying the rest of the camping trip.

Bug spray, citronella candles, tiki torches, bring it all! Nothing can ruin a camping trip faster than pesky mosquitoes!

#4: A cooler full of beverages
If you’re camping in the summer, it is going to be hot!! Be sure to bring plenty of water for the kids and to make up for all the alcohol that will be consumed.

#5: Food to grill
When camping, it is only right to grill everything! Sausage and eggs for breakfast, hamburgers and hotdogs for dinner! You can get by with sandwiches for lunch.

#6: Water activities
Assuming during the day, you will spend most of the time at the lake or pool. You will need whatever floating devices you desire, balls, fishing gear, and of course, SUNSCREEN!

#7: Card/board games
Once the sun goes down, everyone will want to hang around the campfire. This is a perfect time for a game of Life or Go Fish!

#8: Ghost stories
As it gets later into the night make sure you have those ghost stories from when you were a kid rehearsed. Nothing compliments a camp fire like a good scary story.

#9: S’mores!
This one is obvious, and I know no one ever forgets this part, but it had to be said! Marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers for the win!
