Are YOU excited to hear Carrie Underwood’s new album “Storyteller,” coming out October 23rd??
Well some fans are fuming after hearing the release of the album’s first single, “Smoke Break!”
The tune has Underwood channeling the working class, via a small-town working woman, and a big-city hard working man. Yet, it’s the way Carrie has decided to tell their stories that is ruffling feathers among some fans.
Both these working class folks need a vacation, but because not everyone is fortunate enough to get that, Carrie’s got a quicker fix, singing, “When things get tough I need a smoke break.”
At first listen, it might sound like Carrie’s promoting lighting up a cigarette or a joint as a means to “smoke away,” your troubles.
In fact, all over the internet right now, are fans criticizing Carrie for advocating tobacco and lung cancer, (and some people are REALLY mad)!!
Yet, are these angry fans, saying things like, “Carrie Underwood is trying to make money teaching you it is okay to take a smoke break with her new song?,” missing the point??
Like many of Carrie’s songs, the “long drag,” is a placeholder for any vice the overworked might depend on to get through the day.
Other fans suggest instead of folks fuming about a smoking reference, they should get upset about the real story of the song: the culture of stress that suffocates us all! Carrie sings about a mom working 3 jobs just to try and support her children!
Further, there are tons of references to smoking and drinking in today’s music, but it’s artists like Carrie Underwood who find ways to make them meaningful!
Whew…I’m a little wound up by all this…Think I need a “smoke break!” 😉
What about you?? Do you like Carrie’s new song, because I love it!!! 🙂 <3 -Renee